The Bigger Picture
I have always been a person of Faith. I have always believed in God but other than that I didn’t know much more.
Oh sure, I knew there were twelve (12) disciples and ten (10) commandments. I was aware of the birth of Christ, his Crucifixion and Resurrection but I didn’t fully grasp it or understand how important it is to know and form some understanding of what all came before and what all came after.
It’s like a paint by number. You have pieces here and there that are colored in but until it’s all colored you cannot fully grasp and understand or see the bigger picture.
Now that I have dipped my brush into the colorful words of Scripture, I am anxious to finish this amazing and beautiful portrait of a man who was prophesied in the Old Testament, who was born and died and risen again in the New just so that we, Sinners, can be forgiven in order to gain entry into God’s most Holy Kingdom of Eternal Paradise. .
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